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不必我多说,也毫无疑问的,大家都知道明天就是全新的一年了,也就证明我们在接下去的几个小时内将会告别2009年。这种告别仪式往往都不会是伤感的,或是伤心的。相信大部分的人都会因此而感到开心,因为我们的社会,我们的国家,我们的世界能平安的迈入新的一年。对于我来说,能进入新的一年也当然是件好事,因为这表示得非常明显我是安然无祥的坐在电脑荧幕前写日记。 XD ~
在告别2009年之前,我是否应该回头望望呢?看一看我到底做了些什么。可是,从今年年头到年尾,我根本都没有得到任何一张漂亮的成绩表值得我去回味… 所以我望什么望啊!印象中只有幻灭的梦想,未达到的幻境而已。T_T ~ 突然有个很想哭的感觉。拜托,再过一天就要老一岁了,难道还哭吗?=.=
再仔细想想,我在今年到底立下了什么伟大的目标。唯一想到的就是PMR准备要拿8个A的。可是无可否认,我的确没达到。但没关系啦~ 一个梦想的幻灭,会造就另一个梦想的兴起。至于那是什么梦想呢?我还没想好~ XD
当然也有一些比较微小的目标,是已经被我实现了的。比如说,我已经成功在自己学校的Chess 比赛中夺到了冠军。那场比赛其实并没有什么棋艺高手能与我一较高低,所以我就顺其自然登上冠军宝座,真是无敌最孤独啊~ 除了参加学校的西洋棋比赛外,我还代表了学校去参加zon pudu。那时候,我记得我,川嵩,宋伟和勇智都有参加。至于分数,还是去参考川嵩的部落格吧,我隐约记得川嵩有写过关于我们参加比赛过程的文章,我已懒得在重提往事了,唯有轻描淡写地带过~
看来我明年得专心读书,凡事都要与有关学术性的东西为中心,哪有什么闲情再参加这些比赛呢?若是没有优秀的成绩,这些非属于学术性比赛所得到的奖状就算再多也于事无补啊~ 当我整理我今年所得到的奖状时,我才发现我确实是拥有很多的奖状,但我最重要的奖状,也就是老师和家长们最重视的文凭竟然是cacat 的~ haix,真是遗憾。。。现在我唯一能能做的就是向前看,向前跑,向前飞~ I believe I can fly~ I believe I can touch the sky… XD
Au Revoir 2009…. 迎接2010,欢迎新的未来.。。。
今天,我和往常一样和几个heng dai到Pandan Lake Club 去打羽球。所有在哪儿的活动都和平常一样,不是打single,就是打double,不是你死,就是我亡。没什么特别之处。只是今天的我,感觉并不太一样。。。
打球打累了,我们通常都会坐在Club House的大厅内,一边吃喝,一边谈天直到回家为止。我们的话题一般上不是废话就是一些自以为很有内涵的话,往往都能讲到口沫横飞。如果情绪低落,偶尔到Lake Club和朋友一起讲讲废话,谈谈心,心情一定会随着气氛越来越好,整个人都会开朗起来。
但是今天的我却是踏着沉重的脚步离开… 今天来打球的人并不多,废话也跟着减少了,只剩下一些令我想要逃避的话题。在过不久就要开学了,原本超喜欢去学校,却又不爱读书的我应该是很兴奋,恨不得明天就开学的。可是我的感觉并不是你我想象中一模一样。越靠近开学,情绪也越低落,却还搞不清楚到底是什么原因所造成的困扰,情绪就莫名的在拉扯。
也许是想到明年将会是很无聊的一年吧~ 也许是想到我将会少了一个朋友的关系吧~ 也许是想到我大部分的朋友都选择了与我不同科系的关系吧~ 我也不知道~
去年和你同校同班时,我是很想跟你一起转校的~ 只是不知道为什么现在的我还再迟疑着~ 我知道,你现在的学校是比我的学校杰出,比我的学校显著,比我的学校优秀~ 虽然我口口声声说我再考虑考虑,说会问一问我妈妈的意见,但是当我问我妈妈时,我竟然是希望我妈妈同意我现在的学校。在那一刻,我就已经非常肯定了我的意愿和抉择,我不想转,我依然还想留在我现在的学校,没有必要拖拖拉拉的再考虑~
如果是以分析的方式,排除人际关系方面,来断定我该不该转的话,两旁都是旗鼓相当的。就从在你转校的那一刻开始,我就已经在考虑了。你的用心良苦,我心领了~ 你也放心,我比你更在乎我的成绩,我的成就,我的前途。。。
只是不晓得为什么会有一种孤独的感觉涌上心头~ 可能只是暂时性的,希望是如此吧。无论如何,这个话题还是在KP厌恶的表情下,画上了休止符~ XD
我之前所说的就是每当一般人受到包含喜悦的刺激时才会笑,但是如果我说我就算有事没事还是能摆出一副若无其事的笑,你相信吗?和我相处得比较久的人应该都会知道。我有一个朋友和我同班,我几乎每天都会听见他对我大吼:Can you please stop smiling like an idiot?。。。 相信大家都应该知道他是谁来的,没有必要再加明示。XD
这些都是一些能分析的理由,至于为什么我连不在与其他人沟通时,还是仍然在炫耀着我的微笑呢?我会发现到这个现象是在今年刚开学时,各班的级任老师都会选一大堆只是形式上的AJK mata pelajaran。 那时的我只是坐在一个不显眼的位置上发呆。。。正当Cik Azura正在寻找着数学AJK的最佳人选时,她看中了我~!她只是指着我说:AJK untuk mata pelajaran matematik, saya nak plilh pengawas yang asyik senyum itu~。于是,我只是单单靠着嘴角两旁的肌肉,不费吹灰之力就当了AJK Mathematics的最佳人选。。。这个现象就已经足够证明了我一天16小时都一定是在微笑,至于另外8小时是在睡觉时间,我不敢肯定我是不是也在笑。XD。
呵呵,我终于能改变我部落格的历史了,看到了吗?我在用着我自以为非常有魅力的华语leh~ 也许当你们读了我这篇文章之后,就不再可怜我PMR 华语拿B了,反而还会觉的我拿B 已经是天助我也。。。
话说回来,我能以汉字来表达多亏于我的好朋友,宋伟。虽然迟是迟了一些,但没关系,我原谅你。XD 经过了我再三的提醒,你终于没辜负我对你的一片期望,今天七早八早就乖乖把我急需的windows xp professional 的 disc 带来给我。在那一刹那,我顿时有一阵莫名的感动。。。T_T
货一到手,就立刻把光碟塞进电脑的光碟盘内(听了一定为你的光碟感到心痛),然后到control panel 的 regional and language option add all Asian language。之后,电脑就理所当然地开始copying files~ 在程序中,我突然有股冲动, 很想让自己进入电脑的主机内帮它copy,让程序快一些。。。
经过了很长的一段时间,我忍下了那股冲动,终于让它全靠自己的实力copy 完了~ 在那还未肯定行得通的当时,我第一件想到的任务就是打开IE ,进入一个充满汉字的地下部落格看看是否能看见让我熟悉的汉字,或者仍然还是一堆令我感到厌倦的外星字。=.= 果然又是一次的感动呀!总算电脑没有再次的对不起我。 ^_^
过后的问题:我已经下载了谷歌拼音,就是不懂如何输入汉字=.=,在刚才打着Dota 的时候,我问川嵩:how to input Chinese arr? 川嵩:press shift la. 我曰:press jor la, still cannot… 川嵩:go ask shulee la. I forget how jor。 这就是川嵩给我的答复=.=,我不知到shulee 到底欠了你多少钱,让你非牵涉到她不可。XD
川嵩帮不上忙,也只好靠自己去研究了。。。当我打开Microsoft Word尝试输入华语时,突然接到KP的来电。。。KP:喂,edwin arr~,十二月三十一号得空没有,我们要帮Yogern count down for 他的生日。可以来吗?我曰:count down?不能啦,酱迟。。。 KP曰:count down 当然是迟的啦~。 我无言。KP: zomok 不讲话,在打着dota 是吗?我曰:没有啦,只是不会输入华文罢了,在testing着。你会吗?KP:我啊,我不懂你电脑wo,我只知道下面有个language bar。
原来是需要改下面的language bar 呀,我恍然大悟。。。我曰:这样可以了啦,拜伊~。 KP:喂,我帮了你耶,该请我吃饭吧~!我在次无言。。。 KP:哎呀,跟你谈天很无聊leh,没有反应的。。。我花了十七分钟的电话钱在你身了。我去找别人谈天啦~BYE! 我只记得当时的我只是忙着在改language bar 里头的language 而以。。。无论如何还是得谢谢你这位贵人啦~ 教会了我怎样输入华文字。。。
老实说,我花了超过一个小时来写这篇文章。。。可能是不习惯用汉语拼音来打字的关系。。。也许还会发现到一大堆使用得不恰当的词。。。希望不要被吓到。。。 我还在学习中~ XD

Chess is one of the most widely played games on earth. It is also one of the oldest and is still going strong, having kept people fascinated over thousands of years… I, myself am also one of them.
I started playing chess since form 2. I played chess because I was influenced by 1 of my friends, Songwee. He was a good player when he was still in my school. He got the title of champion when he participated in our school’s chess carnival. I still remember I did participate with him since he persuaded me so SINCERELY… I was kicked out in the first round… At that moment, what I knew about chess was just moving those pieces and didn’t want to lose anyone of my pieces… I remember that my opponent’s pieces were still lesser than my wan leh. =.= How could he win? What a weird game… I still clearly remember my expression when I made the statement that it was a stupid and weird game… Just because I don’t know how to play it well.
After that day, I was determined to be the best chess player in my school, I have already forgotten why I was so ambitious at that time. Maybe I just don’t want to lose… Anyway, I trained almost everyday… I played it in the internet, played with computer’s artificial intelligence ( also known as AI ), read those chess book in bookshop, played with my friends…. Soon, I was able to master chess quite well. I was qualified to compete with that champ… Although there were victories and sometime still defeated by him, but I was very satisfied because I only spent about 3 months working on it.
Last year, chess was very popular in my school. Almost every moment in every day, I could see many of my friends playing in the classroom, in the canteen, at the 3rd pondok… After this friend of mine was transferred to another school, almost nobody could defeat me except for Chuan Song and Yogern, =.= Almost everyday I played with Chuan Song before school started. Last year we were still in the afternoon section. Every time I arrived school about 11:30 am, just to play chess with him. We always managed to play about 2 sets before our prefect’s briefing. And always, all of the friends in the pondok used to give their stupid moves and suicidal ideas to both of us in playing chess. XD
I enjoy in playing chess even until now. Chess is an art. Millions of people play chess, thousands of people visit chess tournaments regularly, hundreds of thousands people study the theory of this game. Actually, chess teaches a person in analyzing, which draws the chess player nearer to science. It also improves the chess player’s thinking and judging ability. It this game, it will surely force one to fight for victory, just look at the sporting spirit, you will know someone’s will power. Chess could also influence someone to think more creatively, think more inventively…
In the game of chess, it could also possibly reveal your opponent’s personality. Chess is a game that will rarely have repeated moves. Chess is made up of different combination of moves in the game process. All those moves depend a lot on individual notion. Different chess player has his own different moves. What type of move the player would make depends on what he is up to. If your opponent is a very cunning and clever in deceiving, usually his move is full of traps and tricks. In the other hand, if he is an unsophisticated person, the move he makes might be very clear cut and boring…
So, to all my friends that used to play chess with me, just be careful in all your moves or else…. Especially for Chuan Song and Songwee… hmm hmm! ^.^
Today is the day to witness the moment of the truth… Truth is always…. Or I should say my truth is always a misery and tragedy…True enough for today, I took my pathetic, doleful, mournful and lachrymose result….
How bad could that be? Actually I got the same number of A’s as Tzeing’s… ( I already got the permission from Tzeing to publish this statement in my blog. Thanks to Tzeing and congrats to you!) But the only difference is my friend got straight Ace, I only get 7 A’s… Ok, let’s announce my shameful result here: I got A for bm, bi, maths, science, geography, history, and kh. I GOT A “B” FOR BAHASA CINA. WHAT A SHAME… I wonder why I dare to mention to everybody I came from a Chinese primary school in the previous blog post. I disgrace myself right in front of everybody…
21 straight Ace in my school. You know my school? My school is not even a control school or whatever great school, just an ordinary school with canteen, hall, and classrooms. And there are 21 people that are able to step on my head… Just tell me. What type of loser I am? Maybe I am not even qualified to be a loser. I am a total loser… Maybe still could be considered as a total sore loser… 21 people… LOL, what an enormous joke for me. I am not insulting or humiliating those who get straight A’s, as I don’t even have the qualification to insult you guys. =.=
Why people can get straight A’s but couldn’t I? This is because they got lucky? Absolutely not! They have to undergo all kinds of difficulty and failure, and work hard in order to achieve Straight Ace... Why I couldn’t? I know who I can blame for getting this result… I hate him… That is me, myself! Frankly speaking, I did work hard, but not hard enough. I should have studied more; I should have played less; I should have….
But is all too late…
When 21 of my classmates went up to the noble stage and received their great results… Honestly, there was a sharp pain in my heart. I regretted for sitting below all of them on the floor. For once, I felt inferior… I seldom feel self-abasement in this school, I always thought that I could achieve whatever I wanted. But, I am wrong, and my mistake is not groundless. Just based on this exam, I have been really wrong. But this is my fault, I can’t blame anyone for getting me in this situation. You know what? So many people in KL can score straight A’s but I can’t… This simply prove that I can’t manage myself properly, I can’t manage my time properly, I can’t manage my studies properly.
Some people might say: Study is just a small part in life, not that important. Ya right, if study is just a small part in life, and I can’t even do well in this small thing, how am I going to do well in the rest of my life? Everytime when I am playing and having fun, others might be flipping their text books… That made a difference in today’s result…
There is no point feeling sad now, there is nothing much can be done, that is all my own doing. I didn’t improve my Chinese language enough. Actually, if I had the chance to know my result in advance, what would I do? Give up Chinese? My answer is NO! Even I know I will get a B for my BC, I will still hundred percent going for Chinese paper. Nowadays, Chinese language is very important. China market is getting wilder and wilder, plus, it’s an advantage to master an extra language, and furthermore, this is my mother tongue, I have already learned it for 9 years. It’s a complete waste to give it up.
Anyway, congrats and applause to all my classmates who have obtained straight Ace!
For those who didn’t, work hard in the future…
Merry Christmas to everybody. Have a HAPPY Christmas… Ho Ho Ho Ho ^_^
As you can see, there are no sign of 华文 so far in my blog. This is simply because my pc can’t input Chinese language. Maybe right now, some of you have already discovered something weird about the two words right in front of your nose. Ya, there is nothing wrong with your eyes. Those are two Chinese characters in my blog.
Why I can input two Chinese characters? Ok, I can see your bewildered look right now… Actually this is a very extra ordinary simple job… What you need to do is just….. copy and paste. Lol. Yeah, I copy the two Chinese characters from the other website. And paste it in. Simple isn’t it?
Actually, I’ll prefer to write my blog in Chinese because I can express my feelings and thoughts more effectively. Chinese language can be more passionate than English. This is what I feel. Maybe I came from a Chinese primary school, so I have the impression that Chinese language can provide more kindness, affability, friendliness, geniality, gentleness, hospitality and last but not least, tenderness…
Obviously, I just can’t write every post in Chinese with copy and paste. That would take a decade or a century to complete an article. =.= Although both my English and Chinese are below par. I’ve got plenty of grammar mistakes in writing English, while Chinese, I lack of good vocabulary, we call it 词穷. LOL. If you used to read my blog, you will realize that I always do translation, pure translation. Example: I got a piece cake… (Pure translation from Chinese) LOL =.=
Most of my friends’ blogs are in Chinese language. One of my friends, CS, I feel that he is gifted in Chinese language. He has good command of Chinese language. Every time I visit his blog, his essays seem to be very attractive to me. The choice of words he used and the way he presents it, is quite interesting. Recently, I tried to improve my Chinese language in order to do well in my PMR Chinese paper, I just can’t bear to see there is a D in my report card. So I went tuition to improve it. Just try to be up to the mark. =.=
Even now I wish to present my blog in Chinese language, but what can I do? Copy and paste??? My pc just doesn’t do me the favor in co-operating with me, like allowing me to input Chinese… So, I just have to continue like what I did before, writing my blog in English with full of grammar mistakes… Hopefully my visitors do not mind… =.=
Lol, this situation is totally... really unexpected... The result will be announced on Christmas eve. Now my Christmas eve and Chrismas day will be ruined by my own result. Lol. Nothing much to write... 100% true...
This is a Rubik cube. The Rubik cube is a 3D mechanical puzzle invented in 1974. It has six faces that are made up of six different colours: blue, white, red, orange, green and yellow. It is originally known as Magic cube. Rubik is the name of the inventor.
Recently, I saw many of my friends are engrossing in this 3D puzzle. I also find it kind of interesting. So instead of borrowing from my friends, I bought myself one. It was a perfect cube when new, but it went chaotic once I took over… I just can’t manage to solve the six faces. Some of my friends manage to twist and solve it with lightning speed. This is because they got the formula, a kind of equation that can explain and solve the cube. When I am holding and twisting this cube, it always takes more than an hour and it has never been completely solved!!!. During the process, I pay attention on how the colours change. After three months of twisting, I just couldn’t figure out how to solve the cube, but I perceive something else…

Life is like a Rubik cube. Whatever choice you make, it will just affect the other side of your life. We just can’t see every aspect in our life. Like a person, he might be very great and perfect at his work place, but when it comes to socializing with friends and family, he might be a loser. Just like a cube, when you try to solve a side of the cube, the other side will probably get worse. Life can change drastically with just a wrong move… So, in life, we must make decision with precision because every thing that happens has the potential to affect the other side of our life…
Even you have a perfectly solved cube, sometimes you just can’t prevent other people from touching it and messing it up again, just like in life....
Playing with a Rubik cube, I learned something: Life is like a journey, every step that you take will lead you to somewhere, whether it’s a desired destination or not, it all depends on the very first move that you make.
Another thing that I learned: Life is a learning process, we do make mistakes and blunders. Importantly is we must realize it and correct it … Try to absorb every essence of life, so that we grow wiser. Instead of solving it with the formula in matters of minutes, why don’t figure it out by myself even it takes months to solve… Just enjoy it!
Ya, right, 16 days to go… On that day, our PMR results will be announced. Now is already almost two months after the PMR examination. In these two months, I notice that I didn’t do much useful things. All I have been doing is just playing computer games. I just like that game so much and I played it so often with my friends on the internet. Besides playing computer games and being a couch potato, I sometimes play badminton with my friends during these holidays too…
Now let’s have some flash back about the PMR examination two months ago, I still remember my anxiety on the eve before the examination. I was very nervous on that day, so I invited my friend, Songwee to my house to chat just to relieve my pre-PMR blue. But it came out the other way. =.= He made me feel even more tensed. Because when I asked him: “Are you afraid about the exam tomorrow?” “No” He replied. “Then are you nervous?” Again he replied: “ Nolah”. His replies really made me feel pressured because we used to compete our academic performance when we were still in the same school. Now although he had already transferred to a better school, we still like to compare… After he replied me, then I said: “Can you just say you are scared are maybe just say you are nervous? Because the way you answer me really make me feel even more nervous…” Then, he as a friend just walked through and said: “ Oklah, I am scared, now can or not?” “………”
After some nonsense, we started to discuss for the next day BM paper. Usually, we feel that BM Paper one, objective, is always more difficult than Paper two, essay. It is because paper one is always hard to predict. Then, we exchanged some notes and tips given by our teachers. We also exchanged some of our ideas on writing essay. These took about 45 minutes. And then we used another 15 minutes to talk nonsense to make it an hour. Actually now I regretted… I should have used 30 minutes to chat nonsense… haha =.=
It was because the next day would be the first day of the exam, this made me tremble. But after the very first day, things were getting better. I started to get used to the atmosphere and situation during the PMR examination… This exam took about 8 days including weekends.
After the exam, one of my friends sent me the objective paper answer… When I did the marking, the results were considered okay. Not too bad and not too good, just fine. But these were just objective, just part of it. The final result still depends on paper 2. Paper 2 plays an important role too. And Paper 2 is the paper that we will never know our mistake, only grades will be given …
Now, just wait for 16 days and the results will be released. Ok, all the best and good luck to me and everyone…
What is a friend? This seems to be a very subjective question. Everybody might give different answer based on their understanding. In my view of friendship, they are people that can help me whenever I need them... They are also people that can double my happiness and even reduce my sadness... These are just my opinions and imaginations about friends.
Actually, I can't feel upset or depressed if friends are not being friendly towards me. In life, there is no such rule that other people must be nice to me... If someone in my life is being friendly to me, what I can really do is to appreciate that friend for being kind towards me. In the other hand, if someone is really being TOO nice to me, besides appreciating him, must also take precautions against him. Why do I make such statement? Everybody does things with a reason and motive. People that are kind to me not necessary true friends, those people might have some bad intensions... But of course, not every single person in the world is like that, these are the people that really can be a friend.
Me, myself can be faithful towards a friend, but I can't expect that person does the same thing or has that same attitude like mine. In life, although many people said, how people treat you is just like how you treat the others. But in a so call friendship, I just feel that it doesn't work this way. If people can figure it out, they could maybe save some time on wondering why people just don't treat them better even they tried to treat the others well.
These are just my very own opinions about friendship. I wrote this article with no intension to reflect anybody or anything. This is just a very subjective topic. =.= So what you think about friendship?
There is no single reason to write a blog. That depends on why I wanted to start this blog. Through blogging, can have a number of benefits, like knowing more people, making better use of internet, improve writing skill and more... Blogging is for anyone and everyone, including me. I used to visit other people's blog but never thought of creating my own. Now I finally created one. Actually, blogging is just like writing a diary, the historical record of thoughts at a moment in time. The difference of diary is u will find yourself out of ink or paper. And blog will suddenly DC =.=
That's all.... Nothing much to write about. Just trying to post something rather than leave it blank. But will post more later. Have a nice day...