不必我多说,也毫无疑问的,大家都知道明天就是全新的一年了,也就证明我们在接下去的几个小时内将会告别2009年。这种告别仪式往往都不会是伤感的,或是伤心的。相信大部分的人都会因此而感到开心,因为我们的社会,我们的国家,我们的世界能平安的迈入新的一年。对于我来说,能进入新的一年也当然是件好事,因为这表示得非常明显我是安然无祥的坐在电脑荧幕前写日记。 XD ~
在告别2009年之前,我是否应该回头望望呢?看一看我到底做了些什么。可是,从今年年头到年尾,我根本都没有得到任何一张漂亮的成绩表值得我去回味… 所以我望什么望啊!印象中只有幻灭的梦想,未达到的幻境而已。T_T ~ 突然有个很想哭的感觉。拜托,再过一天就要老一岁了,难道还哭吗?=.=
再仔细想想,我在今年到底立下了什么伟大的目标。唯一想到的就是PMR准备要拿8个A的。可是无可否认,我的确没达到。但没关系啦~ 一个梦想的幻灭,会造就另一个梦想的兴起。至于那是什么梦想呢?我还没想好~ XD
当然也有一些比较微小的目标,是已经被我实现了的。比如说,我已经成功在自己学校的Chess 比赛中夺到了冠军。那场比赛其实并没有什么棋艺高手能与我一较高低,所以我就顺其自然登上冠军宝座,真是无敌最孤独啊~ 除了参加学校的西洋棋比赛外,我还代表了学校去参加zon pudu。那时候,我记得我,川嵩,宋伟和勇智都有参加。至于分数,还是去参考川嵩的部落格吧,我隐约记得川嵩有写过关于我们参加比赛过程的文章,我已懒得在重提往事了,唯有轻描淡写地带过~
看来我明年得专心读书,凡事都要与有关学术性的东西为中心,哪有什么闲情再参加这些比赛呢?若是没有优秀的成绩,这些非属于学术性比赛所得到的奖状就算再多也于事无补啊~ 当我整理我今年所得到的奖状时,我才发现我确实是拥有很多的奖状,但我最重要的奖状,也就是老师和家长们最重视的文凭竟然是cacat 的~ haix,真是遗憾。。。现在我唯一能能做的就是向前看,向前跑,向前飞~ I believe I can fly~ I believe I can touch the sky… XD
Au Revoir 2009…. 迎接2010,欢迎新的未来.。。。
7 years ago
Just continue ur normal life, no nid to look so important on ur result... next year if u totally lose in tat pudu zon competition, u cry again.. Next year we going on the same category in chess, so keep it up, i wont give chance... HAHA
ReplyDeleteLol, as if you got the opportunity to give chance... XD
ReplyDeleteRemember this, LIfe is something that can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward'.
ReplyDeleteTell you something,the presence of PMR is just to help students choose between sci or art stream. PMR is nothing! STOP SOBBING as the real thing is still way ahead...
Frankly speaking, I rather you didn't get straight A's. Reason is because you would get ego, like me. I got straight but what happened was that, I thought I'd reached to a level that is great enough. I'd no more targets, no more dreams. I abandoned my studies, wasted 2 years for nothing. I always thought that you and I are the 'same'. Now, I do know something, you aren't same as me. Indeed, you maybe even better than me and also mun horng. Just have faith in yourself and show me that I'm right.
Enough of the motivation, what I want you to know is something simple. What lies before a spring? Winter. You just have to withstand the cold, survive the blizzard and you would enjoy the malody of Spring.
SO, stop acting like a baby ok? Don't try to deny it!
P.s. Don't say I din leave you any commment.
Your friend,
Jun Wu
LOL, oklah. thx 4 ur counselling. I really appreaciate that. Hope u get good result for ur SPM...